We have one more of our papers presented today at NCA. As all the authors are currently busy due to other commitments, we have one of colleagues present the paper for us. The presentation slides and the abstract are given below.
In the mean time, I resumed my research at INESC-ID. It is almost November, and the sun is still up and shining!
ViTeNA: An SDN-Based Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm for Multi-Tenant Data Centers from Pradeeban Kathiravelu
Abstract: Data centers offer computational resources with various levels of guaranteed performance to the tenants, through differentiated Service Level Agreements (SLA). Typically, data center and cloud providers do not extend these guarantees to the networking layer. Since communication is carried over a network shared by all the tenants, the performance that a tenant application can achieve is unpredictable and depends on factors often beyond the tenant’s control.
We propose ViTeNA, a Software-Defined Networking-based virtual network embedding algorithm and approach that aims to solve these problems by using the abstraction of virtual networks. Virtual Tenant Networks (VTN) are isolated from each other, offering virtual networks to each of the tenants, with bandwidth guarantees. Deployed along with a scalable OpenFlow controller, ViTeNA allocates virtual tenant networks in a work-conservative system. Preliminary evaluations on data centers with tree and fat-tree topologies indicate that ViTeNA achieves both high consolidation on the allocation of virtual networks and high data center resource utilization.