Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Installing Standalone Viewer of OHIF

You can install an OHIF Simple Viewer by following the below steps:

1) Install Meteor
$ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh

2) Clone the Viewers repository
$ git clone https://github.com/OHIF/Viewers.git

3) Go to the SimpleViewer directory
$ cd Viewers/StandaloneViewer/StandaloneViewer/

4) Run the Standalone viewer
$ METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS="../../Packages" meteor --settings ../../config/dcm4cheeDIMSE.json

Make sure that your JSON file consisting of the URLs of DICOM images (i.e., series instances) is placed inside the directory Viewers/StandaloneViewer/StandaloneViewer/public
as in
5) Access the viewer from the browser.
You may access it from localhost:3000 followed by the url of a JSON file consisting of Dicom images.
or access your local json files consisting of the DICOM instances, as in,