Thursday, October 10, 2024

Ditt KTH-konto kommer att deaktiveras / Your KTH account will be deactivated

KTH was my second university during my MSc. I had a higher attachment to Portugal and Lisboa because it was my first time living abroad and first time the freedom of living alone on my own. I was also affiliated with the Universidade de Lisboa for 7 years, 2012 - 2019, for my MSc and Ph.D. In comparison, I spent only one semester in KTH, the 3rd semester of my MSc. However, since it is an Erasmus Mundus double degree program, I also attended the KTH MSc graduation ceremony in 2015 in Stockholm, in addition to the one in Lisboa. In fact, the KTH graduation was really fun, in the Stockholm City Hall. It was huge and with all the friends, it felt very special. 
Most universities deactivate your email address once you quit or graduate. I have been affiliated with 8 universities so far, and only Universidade de Lisboa and KTH did not deactivate my account after I graduated and left. Well, until now. Now I received this email from KTH.

Ditt KTH-konto kommer att deaktiveras / Your KTH account will be deactivated
Detta meddelande går till dig som har ett KTH-konto men ej är anställd eller studerar på KTH.
KTH-konton är avsedda för de som för närvarande studerar eller arbetar på KTH kommer ditt konto att deaktiveras den 12 november 2024. Detta görs av såväl säkerhets- som resursskäl.
Det innebär att:

  • Du inte kommer att kunna logga in på ditt konto

  • E-postadressen kopplad till kontot kommer att sluta fungera

  • Eventuell automatisk vidarebefordran av e-post kommer att upphöra

Om det finns filer, e-post eller annan information som du vill ha kvar måste du själv flytta eller kopiera dem till din privata dator. De kommer inte att kunna återfås efter deaktiveringen av KTH-kontot.
Om du har behov av KTH-konto på grund av pågående arbete på/med KTH kontakta din uppdragsgivare som gör en bedömning och beslutar om en eventuell förlängning av kontot.

Informationen finns även publicerad på KTH:s webbplats:

Med vänlig hälsning
KTH:s IT-avdelning
KTH:s säkerhetsavdelning
This message is for those with a KTH account but not currently employed or studying at KTH.

Your KTH account will be deactivated on 12 November 2024 as KTH accounts are intended for those studying or working at KTH. This is done for both security and resource allocation reasons.

This means that:

  • It will not be possible for you to log in to your KTH account

  • The email address associated with the account will stop working

  • Any automatic e-mail forwarding will also stop working

If there are files, e-mails, or other information on the account that you want to keep, you will have to move or copy them to your own computer yourself. It will not be possible to retrieve them after deactivation of your KTH account.

If you need a KTH account due to ongoing work at/with KTH, contact your responsible manager/equivalent who will assess and decide on the need for an extension of your KTH account.

This information is also published on the KTH website:

KTH IT Department
KTH Security and Safety Department

My KTH Profile

This is sad. I like my KTH email address. It is short and sweet - So, even though my real use as a student in KTH lasted only for the semester in KTH (Spring 2013), I have used it more after. In 2023 - 2024, I participated in the KTH Alumni Mentor Programme, mentoring an MSc student from KTH. Such requests came to my attention only because of this account. After 12 November 2024, I won't receive such emails.

Although currenly outdated (I did not bother to update recently), I also have a nice profile at KTH, which will go offline too, I figure.

I wish universities stopped deactivating emails after graduating or leaving the university, as these university emails form a large part of our academic identities.