Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Testing: GSoC2009Unicode

With the assistance of Sum1 and dom, I was able to fix the issue in Preference dialog Language listing. Now I could see all the languages listed, so that I can test the Abiword Unicode Windows Application in Ubuntu/Wine, or Windows in non-latin languages. As mentioned in my proposal, I will use Arabic and Indic Languages for testing. I will be able to fix the bugs in the dialogs more effectively, henceforth.

So I thought of sharing some screeshots, depicting my progress.

Abiword ANSI Windows program in Arabic.

Abiword Unicode Windows program in Arabic. [In Ubuntu/Wine]

Abiword Unicode Windows program in Arabic. [In Windows XP]

Abiword Unicode Windows Preference Dialog in Arabic.

Menubar in Crotian:

After the port, the [non-latin] special characters of the language were displayed properly.


  1. good luck hugs for the rest of the stuff :)

  2. Thank you Sach.
    Abiword is a great community.
    Feeling proud to be in.


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