Thursday, September 3, 2009

Todos and later commits

Later Commits
28092 - Fixing the localize controls in the dialogs - Zoom, Insert Break, Insert Bookmark, Insert Hyperlink, Format Columns, and Plugin Manager to Unicode.
localizeControlText() methods are replaced, making the dialogs ports compatible to the other win32 unicode ports.
27863 - Porting ap_Win32Dialog_FormatTOC to Unicode.
27862 - Porting ap_Win32Dialog_Stylist to Unicode. Tree view, yet to be fixed.

TODOs (Can also be found here)

I am listing the bugs / TODOs as in the final commit revision 28092
(Sep 1) of gsoc2009unicode branch.
Here I use Arabic to mention the Unicode only text as I used Arabic
and English as my major testing languages during the latter part of
the development.

**I have marked some bugs as critical since they are not limited to
Unicode only languages, other bugs are occurring for the unicode only
language [Arabic] only.**

=== (1) File ===
1. New using Template - Title, labels, buttons - all garbage.
2. Print - Shows English, even for Arabic Interface.
3. Properties - Garbage in buttons, labels.

=== (2) Insert ===
1. Field - Listboxes - All Garbage [Critical]
2. Image - *Crahes* - Insert Image Dialog not starting, after the
change in xap_Win32Dlg_FileOpenSaveAs.cpp [Critical]

=== (3) Format ===
1. Paragraph - Combo boxes - Garbage [Critical]
      Preview - Garbage
      Buttons, Title, Frame - Shows English for Arabic Interface

2. Bullets & Numbering - No Title.
                           Others - Garbage.
                     Combo boxes - Garbage [Critical]
[This is due to the fact that ap_Win32Dialog_Lists.cpp hasn't been
ported to unicode.]

3. Tabs
4. Headers & Footers
These [3 and 4] are shown in English even for Arabic. The issue is
with XAP_Win32DialogHelper.cpp as Marc pointed out in one of his
recent posts regarding the merge.

5. Table of Contents - OK Button - Garbage.
Invisible Labels - [of Stylist]

6. Create & Modify Styles - Garbage.
List Combo - Garbage [Critical]

=== (4) Tools ===
1. Set Language - Tree view - (first letter only, in case of English)
Garbage. [Critical]
2. Stylist - Tree view - Empty [Critical]
These [2 and 3] show there exists problem with the porting of the TreeView item.

3. Preferences - Smart Quotes Tab - English
**Change Interface Language - Not functioning properly**
ap_Win32Dialog_Options.cpp has to be analyzed.

The dialogs that are not listed above as TODOs/bugs are working perfect**** with Unicode only languages. RTL text in title, keyboard and keyman input, menu, title bar, status bar, and dialogs are fine as other text.

These statistics are from gsoc2009unicode branch[1], which was last committed on Sep1. After the merge, there may be some changes in the list above.

Update [08/04/2010]: The TODO list has been added to the Abiword wiki.

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