Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The correct DCM4CHE Commands for the query-based retrieval at study level, with using only an AccessionNumber.

#1) Start the DCM4CHE StoreScp. The storescp process starts a simple DICOM listener.

./storescp --accept-unknown --directory /storage_location_in_the_filesystem  --filepath {00100020}/{0020000D}/{0020000E}/{00080018}.dcm  -b BMIPACS:4244

BMIPACS is the storage AE Title locally, which listens to port 4244. You can set this to be any available port. Once started, this StoreScp accepts any incomping DICOM messages.

#2) Run FindScu to find the StudyInstanceUID from the AccessionNumber, since this extraction is in study level.

./findscu -c  SRC_AET@XX.XX.XX.XX:PPP -b BMIPACS:4244 -m AccessionNumber=YYYY -r StudyInstanceUID

SRC_AET is the source AE title. XX.XX.XX.XX represents the source's IP address and PPP represents its port. We find the StudyInstanceUID of the Accessions with AccessionNumber YYYY in this command.

From the output, we get the StudyInstanceUID from the below line.
(0020,000D) UI [ZZZZ] StudyInstance

#3) Run MoveScu to get the images using the StudyInstanceUID (retrieved in #2) and AccessionNumber. 

./movescu -c  SRC_AET@XX.XX.XX.XX:PPP -b BMIPACS:4244 -m AccessionNumber=YYYY -m StudyInstanceUID=ZZZZ --dest BMIPACS

Retrieved images can also be moved between servers or box, using rclone.

$ rclone copy local_src box:dest_in_box --local-no-check-updated

or with nohup,

$ nohup rclone copy local_src box:dest_in_box --local-no-check-updated &

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